Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting up.

Someone who just lost his job and is busy trying to get back on his feet said - and I quote - "Its not how you fall down, it's how you get up".

I would add something to that, concerning the monster who just killed his wife, his 19 and his 11 year old daughters, and himself in a Towson hotel. I assume as he had "lost everything" he felt that he would be unable to continue to send his 19 year old to college, would be unable to send his 11 year old to college and his wife would have to "go without" . Well, I can almost , almost, but not quite, understand why he would kill himself, but not his family. I am SURE that his wife and daughters would rather be on welfare than dead! Here is where that person who just lost his job said it so well, "It's not how you fall down, but how you get up that counts." And any way, other than the way that man chose would be better, than the way he did choose. Get up in the best possible way, and that way is any other way than that man chose, I'm pretty sure that his wife and children would have helped him. Enough, I can't say any more, I am too upset.

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