Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An exciting day at The Lake.

I got up at 6.00am 0n Tuesday to a fine clear day. The sun was just up, both the sky and The Lake were a lovely pink color. I went down and sat on the pier to look and listen for any signs of a repetition of yesterdays splashings of the carp spawning in The Lake, but there was none. Not a sound, not even a ripple, The Lake was perfectly smooth and quiet. So I went back to bed. Less than an hour later it was raining, heavily, which was quite remarkable as there had been hardly a cloud in the sky an hour earlier. We got ready to go to Annapolis and got there in the afternoon after a couple of stops on the way. By now the day was so glorius that we took a harbor cruise, visiting Annapolis Harbor, the Severn River and the Naval Academy. The sky was clear and it was very sunny and hot. Next stop was at The Red Lobster Restaurant to get Lobsters for Margaret & Ed. While in there Sarah called to tell us that the boys ball game had been cancelled, "Due to the storm." Apparently they were having a really bad storm but there was sign of a storm where we were. However when we left a short time later it was clouding up fast and by the time we got to Trader Joe's a few miles away the sky was looking very black. Just after we got into the store it started and we couldn't get out for almost an hour. The rain and wind were some of the heaviest I have ever seen anywhere. Eventually a man from the store escorted us out to our car with an umbrella. It rained all the way home. When we got home there was no real damage, except for a few small branches down but the big heavy bench on the pier had been blown into The Lake and was nowhere to be seen. With thick heavy cloud covering the sky we could see no chance of a nice sunset for Margaret & Ed's last full day here. But to out absolute amazement as the time of sunset approached the sky started to clear and we had one of the best sunsets ever. It got better and better as the clouds cleared away and were replaced with blue that turned to a wonderful gold.
The next day, Wednesday, Ed and I went out in the kayaks to look for the bench and found it only a couple of hundred feet away at the edge of The Lake in the bushes. We towed it back and put it on the lawn.
So we went from clear sky to storm, back to sunshine, back to storm and back to blue sky and a great sunset.
All in all a very eventful and exciting day.

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