Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Have we had weather? Just like everywhere this year weather is in the news and in our conversations and in our bones. Especially my bones and the bones of my beloved. (that would be my wife Julia)

I don't need to go into the temperature fluctuations that are invading our conversations. If it weren't for Egypt we probably wouldn't be discussing anything but the weather. Cold. Then two days ago it was in the 50's and sunny!!! Today I wake up and it is 40 degrees already - at 6.30 am - and heading for the upper 40's. But tonight we are expecting it to drop to 15!

I heard that Houston, yes Houston had a temperature of 19 a few days ago!

Outside right now i am looking at a Bird Tree. A Bird Tree I say? Well what else can I call it, at Christmas we had a tree covered in all kinds of decorations, now I am looking at a tree with literally HUNDREDS of birds in/on it. All black birds, I don't even know how they are managing to hang on, the wind must be blowing 40 miles an hour. The water is whipping up into waves. Wait, water? Yes I can see water, in fact I'd say 10% to 20% of The Lake is ice free!

I was away last weekend, but Julia was here and she reported to me that The Lake had done a considerable amount of thawing - remember that 50 degree plus day - and the birds were having a wonderful time. The resident Canada Geese, a flock of around 40, were busy diving, splashing, chasing and generally having fun feeding and washing, something they have not been able to do for weeks because The Lake has been frozen solid.

She also reported that the Geese were joined by a large number of Sea Gulls that outnumbered the Geese by 3 or 4 to 1. In fact she said she could not remember when she had ever seen so many Sea Gulls on The Lake.

The Sun is now well and truly UP on my beloved Lake. I can see groups of Sea Gulls scattered about on the surface of the ice, the Canada Geese are nowhere to be seen right now, but I am sure they will put in an appearance soon. A few of the stronger Gulls are making valiant attempts to fly, the wind buffeting them mercilessly. The smarter ones are hunkering down. Although how smart is it to sit on a frozen lake with a 40 mph wind?

Looking in the other direction at The Bay I can see large whitecaps breaking everywhere, which tells me why the Gulls are here on The Lake ! The Lake looks to be a lot more welcoming than the The Bay.

Well, I'd better get Julia's tea going and stoke up the fire, even though it is "warm", and the cats are anxious to be fed too. No peace for the wicked. Have fun you all.

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