Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yes, it is still winter at The Lake.

Two days ago, after several warm days of temperatures in the 60's and even 70, when we were beginning to think that spring had arrived, we had another snowstorm. Not a huge one, but not tiny either, 4 inches is big enough to need the attention of the snow shovel but not big enough to fire up the new snow thrower.

As usual, it looked beautiful. Doesn't it give everyone a burst of 'love of nature' to see that white cloak that hides all the ugly stuff that you meant to clear up?

As I gazed out on it, not yet thinking "where is my snow shovel", or "how cold is it out there", or "do I even need to shovel it", but still thinking, "what a work of art this is". Julia's art is marvellous but even she cannot match this.

Then I thought, "what a perfect day to be having a fire to sit by". So I got on and stoked up the fire that was still glowing very nicely thank you in the wood stove and soon had it blazing away. Perfect.

All too soon it was time to shovel, the snow plow had already gone by and marred the perfection. Soon I was warmly clothed and trying not slip down the snow covered steps. The snow had blown up onto the front porch and frozen. The mail box had to be made accessible and the chickens opened, which meant clearing a pathway across the deck. A big deck had seemed like a good idea - until now! As I shovelled, avalanches of snow began sliding off of the steep roof onto me and onto the cleared areas.

All of a sudden, my Dreamland began to turn into the usual Nightmare, my Snow Palace into a dirty, slushy, mess.

But not to worry. I got it all done and sat by the fire, and enjoyed for all of for several seconds, then the day took over.

Today, it is cold, The Lake has a skim of ice, but it is beautiful, the sunlight is already starting to spread across its surface and I can see the thin ice melting. Two swans are ploughing through it, the Canada Geese will be landing on it soon, the bird feeders are already inundated with birds.

All is well with My World again.

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