Thursday, May 21, 2009

There's still life left in the old man yet.

Yes I am still here, and feeling fine, right outside my windows nature paints a picture. And what a picture, there for me to feast my eyes on is the Bluest Lake you can imagine, under the Bluest sky.
In spite of having lived here for 10 months now we have not, until yesterday, bought a boat. It's a long story and one that I won't bore you with now, but it involves a builder who stole a considereable sum of money from us, bad timing with building the house - the economy that leaves us with no buyer for our previous house, even though we have cut it's price almost in half - and on and on - - - . But yesterday we finally broke down and bought not one, but two, bright yellow Kayaks, from Dicks, dear Dicks, they had a 50% off sale on some of their Kayaks, Wow, thats almost half price isn't it? Our friends Margaret and Edward are coming to visit us from England for 3 weeks and it just doesn't seem fair to have this beautiful Lake to explore and no boat to explore with! Dicks also had folding chairs at two for $12. As luck would have it one of our chairs broke yesterday, while watching the grandsons playing baseball (They won - again!), so we decided to invest in some chairs. No doubt Margaret & Ed will be coming to watch some top class American baseball - our grandsons are 8 and 9 years old - so we went all out and got two chairs for them to use and as we needed another one and one was $9.99 we decided to go for broke and get the two for $12.00! Now we are all set to sit.
I went out in one of the Kayaks this morning and it worked just fine, the first time that I have seen the house from so far out on the Lake, except this winter when the Lake froze over and we were able to not only walk all over the Lake but also build a fire on it! A nice big fire that did not burn through the ice. In fact a lot of people built fires, and rode their bikes, and skated, and played ice hockey.
Well it's time to prepare for our visitors, bye for now, or as we used to say in England - just practising for our visitors - "Ta ta for now."

David, XXX

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